This is perhaps (or definitely) a bit off topic from what I had planned to write here – mostly music, hence the cheeky title of this post – but something happened yesterday that I felt was important to write about.
I apparently have a small wart on the bottom of my foot. It’s not a big deal (I swear), and it’s not what this post is about.
This post is about what happened when I went to the pharmacy to pick up the prescription my doctor ordered for me.
“Oooh,” said the pharmacist, with a grimace on her face. “That’ll be thirteen fifty.”
“Like, thirteen dollars?” I asked.
“Thirteen hundred,” she replied.
I turned to her manager next to her.
“I know,” the manager said. “But believe me, I’ve seen worse.”

What makes this even more insane is a) this is a generic prescription and b) I have a great job with good health insurance. I happen to have what’s called a high-deductible...